Being even happier is possible!

Must Try

5 more ways to use tomato juice

Relieve a sore throat: Gargle with a mixture of 10 cl of tomato juice and 10 cl of hot water, with a few drops...

Online pharmacies: 5 good reasons to try

After clothing and food, medicines are now accessible in one click. With online pharmacies, buying drugs or parapharmacy products online is simple, practical, and...

Heart failure: 6 years of physical activity may be enough to reduce or increase the risk

Better late than never to take care of your heart. New work published in the journal Circulation shows that regular physical activity for six...

Some advice to avoid the tourista this summer

If you're traveling this summer, it's best to keep a few food safety rules in mind to prevent mean tourists from ruining your stay. Contaminated...

How do you add a dose of pleasure, joy, and sweetness to everyday life? Here are some resolutions that will lift your heart.

Take compliments at face value.
“We love others for what they are, but our judgments about ourselves are implacable,” recalls Fabrice Midal in Save your skin! Become a narcissist (ed. Flammarion/ Versilia). He evokes a familiar situation: the photos where we invariably find ourselves “awful.” This is how we also question the compliments to us. What if we listened and accepted homage a little better, without immediately thinking it was politeness or flattery!

Stifle conflict
There is a moment in life when you understand that it is not very useful to have the last word: an angry motorist, an unpleasant shopkeeper, a niece up in arms… We are harped on about must communicate, but only when it is valid and calmly, avoiding the words we regret. Aggression or anger contracts the joints, the blood circulates less quickly, and the cardiovascular system is disturbed. Stress for our whole organism, to be avoided.

Black eye relieved

To ease the painful sensation caused by a "black eye," put a slice of raw potato on your sore eye.

Tendinitis subsided

If you suffer from tendonitis, osteoarthritis or arthritis, drink, with each meal and at bedtime, a teaspoon of cider vinegar mixed with half a...

Itching relieved

If your skin is irritated and itchy, take an excellent lukewarm bath in which you have added half a cup of oatmeal.

Voice found

Have you lost your voice? Gargle several times a day with pure lemon juice (without swallowing it) until improvement.