How do you add a dose of pleasure, joy, and sweetness to everyday life? Here are some resolutions that will lift your heart.
Take compliments at face value.
“We love others for what they are, but our judgments about ourselves are implacable,” recalls Fabrice Midal in Save your skin! Become a narcissist (ed. Flammarion/ Versilia). He evokes a familiar situation: the photos where we invariably find ourselves “awful.” This is how we also question the compliments to us. What if we listened and accepted homage a little better, without immediately thinking it was politeness or flattery!
Stifle conflict
There is a moment in life when you understand that it is not very useful to have the last word: an angry motorist, an unpleasant shopkeeper, a niece up in arms… We are harped on about must communicate, but only when it is valid and calmly, avoiding the words we regret. Aggression or anger contracts the joints, the blood circulates less quickly, and the cardiovascular system is disturbed. Stress for our whole organism, to be avoided.